You can easily map your blogger's blogspot blog to use a custom domain name from your cpanel using this tutorial as your guideline. I have also included tips to help you use a sub-domain instead of the root address for your custom domain name.
Below is my step to step guides to help you achieve this easily.
- Assuming you already have an active website and just interested in using the sub-domain on your old blogspot blog.
==> Locate "domains" ==> Advanced DNS Zone Editor
==> Select the domain name you want to use from the drop-down list
==> Create a "CNAME" record to point to google's server using the details below;
- CNAME (Alias) = The sub-domain you intend using. (eg., etc.)
- Pointing to =
- TTL = 14400
==> Log in to your blogger dashboard
==> Click on settings –> Basic –> Blog address –> + Add a custom domain (Point your own registered domain to your blog.)
==> Enter your new domain name and save (at this point, google will tell you that you must claim your domain name first)
==> Now take note of the secret keys google generated for you after the warning message (That’s what we need for the final steps)
==> Create another “CNAME records” using the values below
- CNAME (Alias) = short security key
- Pointing to = long security key
- TTL = 14400
==> Now, you need go back to your blogger's dashboard and add the custom domain using the sub-domain prefix you 've chosen.
- Assuming you have just bought a domain name you intend using
Eg. where we have "" will normally be changed to to "" assuming this is the domain name you bought.
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